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  I use this in Live to convert midi notes into chords
  with considerable sophistication


  I use this in Live to mute/unmute up to 7 chains in an
  audio or midi effects rack, using one single Continuous Controller


  I use this in Live to force a stream of midi notes to
  all converge into a single octave ... very handy for
  builtin Drum racks


  I use this in Live to remap Midi Notes to other notes,
  and also to map notes to continuous controllers, or vice versa


  I use this to in Live to supress passage of midi notes,
  and count midi notes until a threshold is reached
  this is handy for playing samples


  I use this in Live to create scale aware arpeggiation
  with considerable sophistication


  I use this in Live with an Audio track to create a
  very large window that displays the beats and measures
  more visibly from great distances


  I use this in Live with a Midi track to create a
  very large window that displays the beats and measures
  more visibly from great distances


  I use this in Live to filter out certain midi notes and
  controller messages that I do not wish to route to the
  next track in the chain


  I use this in Live to convert keys played on the piano
  controller into Continuous Controller messages